Snug Valley Farm is also the home of Helm’s most ingenious product to date – Vermont Canine Gourmet – a dehydrated liver treat that your best friend cannot resist.
Snug Valley Farm is also the home of Helm’s most ingenious product to date – Vermont Canine Gourmet – a dehydrated liver treat that your best friend cannot resist.
We sell both retail and wholesale, including nose-to-tail pork, whole and halves. Our pastured heritage pork can be purchased at farmers’ markets, stores and at the farm. Snug Valley Farm pork can also be found at various restaurants throughout Vermont.
Sawyer removed a sealed jar of the dog treats from the closed box (teeth and claw marks on box) that was on the floor (stupid humans), took it to her bed (rolling it? Doubtful: more likely carrying it in her mouth), and then chewed on the jar lid, puncturing the lid in 5 places. Sawyer was never able to get the lid off, but can you imagine her frustration at smelling the wonderful liver treat through the holes? She is also known for having eaten an entire gallon bag of liver treats and was starting on the second when she was busted! What a dog!